Most folks struggle to remain calm after a car accident. Sadly, the nervousness and pain push people to make costly mistakes. You must try to maintain your calm despite sustaining injuries. If you can maintain a calm demeanor, you will be able to do what you need to in order to properly recover and seek compensation.
Calling the cops after an accident happens is essential. The accident could be minor, but you must involve the police. Besides, most states require you to inform the police after a car accident occurs. But why do you need cops at an accident scene?
Firstly, cops will protect the accident scene to prevent anyone from destroying or interfering with evidence. Secondly, the police will gather witness reports, administer DUI tests, and collect information from the parties involved. The cops will use the information to write a police report. Remember that you'll need all that information when filing an insurance claim or seeking legal redress. Therefore, calling the police will improve your odds of getting compensation and legal justice.
Auto accidents are notorious for causing fractures and other nasty injuries. Unfortunately, some injuries will only reveal themselves after a couple of hours. So never decline medical attention, especially if the collision impact is significant. The cops at the accident scene can call an EMT to check up on you. Alternatively, you can request emergency medical care by calling 911.
As you receive treatment, ask the doctor to document the injuries and indicate all the necessary details. You'll need the medical information when making a legal claim. Also, stick to the treatment plan and follow the doctor's orders.
Most drivers panic after getting involved in an auto accident. However, you shouldn't leave the accident scene before the police and medical team arrive. The cops and insurance firms might assume you're guilty if you flee the accident scene. Besides, the other driver might argue that you left the scene because you were at fault.
Don't expect to get compensated for any damages and losses if you leave the scene. Never leave the scene before the police arrive. Staying around can only help your case.
You can be at fault for a car accident but should never admit it. The police, other drivers, and insurance companies will use your admission against you. Surprisingly, admitting you were responsible for an accident can get you into trouble. If the case gets to court, the defense team will use the confession as evidence. Also, you may lose the right to compensation if you were at fault for causing the car accident.
Although the police should collect evidence at the scene, you must also be involved. Don't just sit there waiting for the cops to do all the work. At least take pictures of the vehicles involved, the scene of the crash, and the injuries you've sustained. You can also use your dashcam footage as evidence. Don't forget to write down the other driver's contact information, insurance information, and license plate number, as well as the information of any witnesses.
Insurance companies will always tempt you to accept the first settlement offer. However, most first settlement offers aren't that good. In any case, you can get the insurance company to increase their offer, so, why settle for less? Insurance adjusters are quick to approach victims with a low settlement offer. Therefore, never accept any checks or sign releases an insurance adjuster presents to you before talking to a lawyer.
Simple mistakes will always hurt your claim or lower your settlement offer. Luckily, you can avoid the mistakes by engaging an auto accident lawyer from Borbi, Clancy & Patrizi. Always retain our attorneys immediately after you get into a car crash. Call us now to discuss your case.